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Facts and Interesting Points About ICC

Understanding the International Criminal Court (ICC): History, Function, Cases, and Global Impact


The International Criminal Court (ICC) stands as a pivotal institution in the realm of global justice, addressing crimes of the most serious concern to the international community. Established by the Rome Statute on July 1, 2002, the ICC’s primary purpose is to investigate, prosecute, and try individuals accused of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the crime of aggression. Today, the ICC’s jurisdiction covers 123 member states, making it a cornerstone in the international justice system.

The International Criminal Court

Key Points

  • Foundation Day: The ICC was established on July 1, 2002, following the adoption of the Rome Statute on July 17, 1998.
  • Headquarters: The Hague, the Netherlands
  • Purpose: To prosecute individuals responsible for the gravest offenses of international concern.
  • Members: Initially, 120 countries adopted the Rome Statute; currently, there are 123 States Parties to the ICC.

History of the ICC

Early Efforts

  • Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials: Post-World War II tribunals laid the groundwork for international criminal justice.
  • Cold War Era: Efforts to establish a permanent court were stalled due to geopolitical tensions.
  • International Law Commission: In 1948, the UN tasked the International Law Commission to draft a statute for a permanent international court.
  • Ad Hoc Tribunals: The establishment of tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda in the 1990s revived momentum for a permanent court.

Rome Statute

  • Drafting and Adoption: The Rome Statute was adopted at a diplomatic conference in Rome on July 17, 1998.
  • Ratification: The statute required ratification by 60 countries to come into force, achieved on April 11, 2002.
  • Establishment: Officially came into force on July 1, 2002, marking the creation of the ICC.
  • Amendments: Subsequent amendments have expanded the court’s jurisdiction and clarified procedural aspects.
The historic moment of the signing of the Rome Statute.

Function and Structure of the ICC


The ICC operates based on the principles of complementarity and cooperation with national jurisdictions.


  • Presidency: Oversees the administration of the court.
  • Judicial Divisions: Comprises the Pre-Trial, Trial, and Appeals Divisions.
  • Office of the Prosecutor: Conducts investigations and prosecutions.
  • Registry: Provides administrative and operational support.


The ICC has jurisdiction over four main crimes: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.

Notable Cases and Prosecutions

  • First Case: The ICC’s first trial was that of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, a Congolese warlord, convicted of war crimes.
  • High-Profile Cases: Includes cases against Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony, and Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
  • Convictions and Sentences: The ICC has successfully convicted individuals for crimes such as enlistment of child soldiers, sexual slavery, and systematic attacks on civilians.

Challenges and Criticisms

  • Political Influence: Criticisms regarding the ICC’s perceived bias and the influence of powerful nations.
  • Cooperation: Challenges in securing cooperation from non-member states and enforcing arrest warrants.
  • Resource Limitations: Financial and logistical constraints impacting the ICC’s operations.

Global Impact and Future Prospects

  • Deterrence: The ICC serves as a deterrent against the commission of heinous crimes.
  • Victim Support: Provides reparations and support to victims of crimes under its jurisdiction.
  • International Law: Strengthens the framework of international criminal law and promotes accountability.
  • Future Directions: Enhancing cooperation, increasing membership, and addressing criticisms to strengthen the ICC’s role.


  • Summary: The ICC is a cornerstone in the fight against impunity for the world’s gravest crimes. By addressing and prosecuting crimes such as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, the ICC not only provides justice for victims but also upholds the principles of international law.
  • Call to Action: Continued support and reforms are essential to enhance the ICC’s effectiveness and global impact. Increased cooperation from member states, better resource allocation, and addressing criticisms will further solidify the ICC’s role in promoting a just and peaceful world.

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