About Us
Welcome to pointwize.com, Your Number-1 resource destination for cracking competitive exams and getting Government Jobs. Here, in pointwize.com we frequently post required subject contents, carry out quiz tests and update job notifications.
At pointwize.com we provide educational content related to all required subjects of competitive examinations like UPSC, SSC, IBPS, SBI, RRB, RBI, State Public Service Commission (PSC) Exams and many more. Our aim is to make this pointwize.com a booming website of digital content for competitive examination aspirants. We post comprehensive and easily understandable study materials for subjects like Aptitude, Reasoning, English, General Studies, Current Affairs, etc.
To enhance the ability and confidence among our students and save their time, in our digital platform we offer the following ways of teaching:
Comprehensive and Pointwise Study Materials:
We provide comprehensive study materials in a pointwise approach to make them interesting while reading. Our revision notes help students to revise swiftly just before examination hour.
Topic Wise and Subject Wise Tests:
We conduct subject wise and topic wise MCQ tests to improve the understanding and alleviate doubt of students. To make these tests hassle-free, in each test we limit the number of questions between 10 to 20.
Daily Updates and Notifications:
We provide daily current affairs and real-time job notifications. All you have to do is click the allow button in the popup notification (shown below) which displays on the top of the webpage. Our daily current affair feeds consist of a maximum of 5 points in each news item which is easy to remember for the readers. Likely in the job notification, we provide all details in a table so that one can read and nurture all information starting from post name to salary while scrolling from left to right.

We hope our content will help in the journey of getting a job and you like our content.
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Have a Nice Day.
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