Facts and Interesting Points About Nagaland

Interesting Points About Nagaland

  • Nagaland is bordered by the state of Arunachal Pradesh to the north, Assam to the west, Manipur to the south and Myanmar to the east. 3840 meters high Mt. Saramati Acts as a natural barrier between Nagaland and Myanmar. Saramati is also the highest peak in the state.
  • 91% of the state is hilly.
  • Nagaland has experienced insurgency and inter-ethnic conflict since 1950.
  • Nagaland remained a province of Assam even after the independence of India. It formally got statehood on 1 December 1963 with Kohima being its capital.
  • English is the official language of Nagaland. Nagamese is the creole language. The language is widely spoken in Nagaland.
  • As per 2011 census, only Nagaland has a negative population growth rate as compared to the census 2001. The Population decline was 0.47% during the decade.
  • Almost 90% of the population of Nagaland follows Christianity.
  • Nagaland is known as the land of festivals. Each tribe celebrate their own festival, making celebrations of different traditional and cultural fests throughout the year.
  • The capital city Kohima has a war cemetery dedicated to the soldiers of 2nd British Division who died in the Second World War at Kohima in April 1944 while defending Japanese forces.
  • Different tribes of Nagas have different designs of shawls. The shawls also signify the social standing of a person within a tribe.
  • Nagaland is the home to one of the World’s Hottest Chilli Pepper called Bhut jolokia.
  • There present an organisation named “Naga Hoho” formed by the Naga people to safeguard the Naga System of tradition and Naga social culture.
  • Indian tourists need an Inner Line Permit to visit Nagaland, whereas Foreigners need to register FRO at State Border entry to explore Nagaland.
  • Longwa Village in Mon district is located on the international border of India and Myanmar. The house of the traditional chiefs otherwise called the Angh lies half in India and half in Myanmar. The entire village is ruled neither by India nor by Myanmar but by the Angh only.

More Informations About Nagaland

General Details About Nagaland

Statehood 1 December 1963
Capital  Kohima
Governor Jagdish Mukhi
Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio
Districts 15
Area (km2) 16,579
Lok Sabha Seats 1
Rajya Sabha Seats 1
State Legislative Assembly Seats 60
Languages English, Nagamese, Khasi, Konyak, Ao, Lotha, Angami, Chokri

State Symbols of Nagaland

State Animal Mithun
State Bird Blyth’s tragopan
State Tree Alder
State Flower Rhododendron

Demography of Nagaland

Population (2011 Census) 1,980,602
Population Density (per km2) 119
Sex ratio (Females per 1000 males) 931
Literacy Rate (%) 80.11
Per Capita Income (₹) 78,367

Forest & Wildlife Reserves in Nagaland

  1. Ntanki National Park
  2. Rangapahar Wildlife Sanctuary
  3. Pulie Badze Wildlife Sanctuary
  4. Fakim Wildlife Sanctuary
  5. Dihoma Community Reserve
  6. Intanki National Park
  7. Singphan Wildllife Sanctuary
  8. Kigwema Community Reserve

Major Rivers in Nagaland

  1. Dhansiri River
  2. Doyang River
  3. Tizu River
  4. Likimro River
  5. Lanye River
  6. Zungki River
  7. Dikhu River
  8. Dzu River
  9. Langlong River
  10. Milak River
  11. Dzuza River

Important Mountains in Nagaland

  1. Saramati Mountain(3 841 m)
  2. Mol Len Mountain
  3. Japfii Mountain
  4. Yakko Mountain
  5. Glory Peak Mountain
  6. Chinkhu Mountain
  7. Thingdon Mountain
  8. Tiyingchomo Mountain
  9. Mataungse Kyein Mountain
  10. Angola Mountain
  11. Punkhung Mountain

Agriculture in Nagaland

Major Crops Paddy, Mustard, Maize,  Linseed, Black gram, Soybean
Cash Crops Cotton Sugarcane, Jute, Tea, Coriander
Vegetables Cabbage, Colocasia, Cucurbits, Tomato, Onion, Garden pea, Cauliflower, Brinjal, Beans, Cucumber, Squash, Chillies, Carrots
Fruits Lemon, Pears, Naga Apple, Chestnut, Hazelnut, Guava, Walnut, Plums, Persimmon, Avocado, Peach

Mineral Deposits in Nagaland

  1. Chromium
  2. Coal
  3. Platinum
  4. Zinc
  5. Cobalt
  6. Petroleum
  7. Natural Gas
  8. Limestone
  9. Copper
  10. Nickel
  11. Magnetite

Airports in Nagaland

  1. Dimapur Airport

Traditional Dances in Nagaland

  1. Kuki Dance
  2. Agurshikukula Dance
  3. Moyashai Dance
  4. Melo Phita Dance
  5. Changsang Dance
  6. Shankai Dance
  7. Udoho Dance
  8. Leshalaptu Dance
  9. Monyoasho Dance
  10. Aaluyattu Dance
  11. Sadal Rengma Dance
  12. Modse Dance
  13. Khamba Lim Dance
  14. Nokinketer Tsungsang Dance

Art and Crafts of Nagaland

  1. Spinning, Weaving and Embroidery Work
  2. Ornament Making
  3. Wood Carving
  4. Cane & Bamboo Works
  5. Pottery

Regional Festivals Nagaland

  1. The Hornbill Festival
  2. Ngada Festival
  3. Mim Kut Festival
  4. Hega Festival
  5. Sukrenye Festival
  6. Yemshe Festival
  7. Bushu Festival
  8. Tsukhenye Festival

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